Wednesday, September 12, 2012

This is just a note to say...


Thank you so much to everyone who insisted that I should take it, who cajoled me into signing up for it, who calmed my anxious nerves when I got flustered over the summer (which happened way too many times with way too many different people), and who said that I could do this. You were ALL RIGHT and I should listen to your sage counsels more often (I know I'm going to regret saying that at some point...).

I just spent an hour and a half after class working on an in-class project that I don't even need to finish for my grade just because I felt like it. I listened to the Fleet Foxes (soothing indie rock music, for those of you who haven't heard of them) and drew and just felt all of my stress drain out of me.

This class is still going to be difficult--and it has SO MUCH HOMEWORK--but so far every minute I spend working on it is incredibly enjoyable and relaxing. Working on this just gets my left brain to shut up for a couple of hours and that is a really nice thing every once in a while.

I'll tell you guys more about the specific projects we've been working on when I post on Saturday, but I just had to let some of this exuberance and glee spill out while it's still fresh in my mind.

Here's the portrait I drew with my ink and stick to tide you over 'til then, because I know you all are breathless with the waiting!
Pretty decent for five minutes and drippy ink and a very long stick, I think! Also fun to make.

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