Saturday, September 1, 2012

Back at Mac!!

Hey guys! I have returned to campus and have spent all day doing moverly sorts of things, so this is going to be a pretty short post. More of a filler than anything else, because I’ll be posting next week as a special extra one so that I can talk about my first week of classes.

There isn’t much to cover for this post (the last two weeks have been pleasant and relatively calm (with the exception of my wisdom tooth removal) and relaxing, so there’s little to talk about there), so I’m just going to give you the log of my day.

4:15AM—My alarm went off. I did not get up. (What is this darkness nonsense?!)

4:25—My alarm went off again. This time I answered its persistent cries for attention and arose from my slumber to greet the cold, cold world.

6:32—My (first) plane took off and headed for Minneapolis (via Denver) in the most roundabout way possible. And by roundabout, I do literally mean round.
 The initial route of our plane, as drawn by me. (Perhaps we did the loop-de-loop to gain altitude to clear the mountains? Even so, we flew over them relatively low.)

9:28—I arrived in Denver and promptly became distracted by the bookstore. Alas, nothing was purchased.

9:57—Decided that I should probably go in search of my gate, only to discover that my plane did not, apparently exist. Had minor panic attack, contemplated epic futility of college education, resolved to return home in disgrace.

10:04—Asked the nice airline man what was going on. He explained that the monitors were broken and sent me on my merry way.

10:09—Encountered Emma. We exchanged hugs and cries of mutual enthusiasm. Then we boarded the plane.

10:37—While waiting for the plane to actually leave the runway, Emma and I critiqued the SkyMall catalog. Particular favorite? “Bigfoot, The Bashful Yeti.” (Alternately The Garden Yeti.) Emma and I brainstormed new adjectives to bestow upon Bigfoot.

 Much interim time in the air.....

1:29PM—Arrived in Minneapolis-St. Paul to be greeted by my lovely roommate! With a sign!!

2:41—Arrived at campus. Dropped off bags in my new room (which you will eventually get to see pictures of) and headed off towards the campus center to check in. Was intercepted by a galloping Rachel, who then led us off for more hugs to Sorcha and Keo.

3:56—Finally tore ourselves away from the group sitting idyllically under a tree on the lawn to actually do check in activities. Discovered that there appears to be the remains of a tragically deceased bar of deodorizing soap in the bottom of one of my desk drawers. New inmate displeased.

4:52—Left room unpacking endeavors to assist a friend in need. Sorcha wanted to attempt the epic feat of turning two regular beds into a bunk bed.  Met Sorcha’s pet cactus (Keo made the hat).

5:12—Discovered that the metal bed frame was warped. Attempted tugging, kicking, and stern remonstrative language. Metal remained stubbornly crooked.

5:23—Went on quest for hammer. RA office did not have one. Residence Hall Director did not condone the use of one. What were we to do??

5:46—Purchased hammer at Ace Hardware.

6:13—FIXED THE BED!! Assiduous hammering proved effective (if deafening). Lily is the CHAMPION!!

6:37—Keo and Emma arrived with everyone’s boxes (going well above and beyond the call of duty!). We then spent the next while moving them up to room. Contemplated the amount of stuff I have apparently accumulated. Also stubbed three toes, dropped something on my foot four times, and smooshed my pinky once. Moving is not an extremity-friendly activity.

8:16—FINALLY OBTAINED DINNER. The whole crew (Keo and Emma and Charmaine and Sorcha) trooped over to Shish to eat delicious Mediterranean food. Sorcha and I shared a hummus/baba ghanoush/falafel/tabouli/etc. platter. I also had an Italian soda (strawberry) and then afterwards we split two pieces of cake between the five of us (Neapolitan and carrot cake).

9:04—Ajourned to Sorcha’s room where we watched her unpack. Much hilarity ensued. I attempted to record some of this for posterity, but encountered some difficulties. The photographic evidence points definitively to Emma being a demon.
 All signs point to supernatural involvement.

10:37—Removed to room for sleepy times and blog writing.

Goodnight all! Love you guys!
 Sleepy Lily is sleepy (also fluffy on top).

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