Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Happy Halloween, Everybody!

This is just a little post to say "happy halloween" and to thank everyone who sent me chocolate and cards. The chocolate was greatly enjoyed by my lovely roommate and me and the cards provided lovely decoration for our door:

This was Charmaine's very first Halloween ever (by which I mean the first time she's ever dressed up) and she got really excited about her costume last night, so we stayed up ridiculously late working on costumes. She made a pennant and I made a sword. Both out of paper.

And now for pictures of our costumes! Prepare for the (mis)adventures of Russell (from Up!) and Sir Lillian.
 Russell and Sir Lillian of the Darkest Timeline 
(I was planning on wearing the goatee all day, but it kept falling off.)
 Russell spots Kevin. Sir Lillian is skeptical (and possibly a little alarmed, not that she would ever admit to anything as cowardly as alarm).
 Sir Lillian shall protect you from the forces of evil with her paper sword!

Basically my roommate is FANTASTIC.

Fairfax decided to dress up too. He wanted to be Ironman, so I made him the mask and shirt, but then he insisted on the shield too. I tried to explain to him that the shield went with Captain America, not Ironman, but he was obstinate. Ironman is one of Fairfax's favorite superheros because even though he's kind of snarky, he doesn't have any natural superpowers and only relies on what he can figure out or invent.
Apparently Wesley decided to dress up too! He's either a bower or a wood nymph--take your pick!

Hope you all had a lovely Halloween!

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Epilogue (Part 5)

(Please make sure to read these in the correct sequence! There are five posts that I posted in order, which means that they’ll show up on my blog page in reverse order from top to bottom. They’re numbered (Part 1, Part 2, etc.) for clarity, so please scroll down to the bottom where the archive menu is to find the beginning. Also feel free to spread these out over the next two weeks—I know there are a lot of them, but I didn’t want to leave stuff out!)

(Have you read the others? In order? Okay, go on ahead.)

Dear Everyone,

Sooooo…….as some of you may have guessed, when I say “Zombie Apocalypse”what I really mean by that is midterms. I just sort of decided to roll with the metaphor because I rather fancied the idea of writing a melodramatic zombie apocalypse novella that was also actually an account of the last several weeks.  These last four (oh my goodness, I am such a blogging failure) weeks have been the mad time of midterm mania—big papers have been due, my friends are all taking big tests, and the projects are rolling in. And of course we all have the usual amount of reading assigned each night on top of the special assignments. Anyway, it’s been pretty crazy. I think “zombie apocalypse” is actually a pretty apt metaphor—we all are living off of the food we find in our dorms, looking amazingly sleep-deprived, and answering questions with deadened stares. And the mania really did get to its full level of crazy two weeks ago. Luckily it is now fall break and everything is back to normal!

The photos are not from campus (luckily) but instead from the bizarre Twin Cities Zombie Pub Crawl, which is apparently a thing. This is what I actually encountered two weeks ago driving back from Next to Normal and let me tell you: worst. driving. conditions. EVER. Drunk people pretending to be brainless while unaware of exactly how brainless they’re actually being tend to wander in front of your car and occasionally loom ominously next to your windows. *shudder* But we made it back okay, so all is well!

I hope this incredibly long series of posts makes up for not posting two weeks ago. After this, I’ll try to return to my normal schedule and will honestly try not to deviate again (although I make no promises around finals time!) Thank you all for your patience with this busy college student!


My hair has decided to become a shelter for homeless birds displaced by the coming winter. It did not discuss this decision with me beforehand.

P.S. Okay, so it’s a tiny bit odd that some of my Mac friends are now reading this, but I’m planning to carry on as usual and pretend you guys aren’t here. Because then I’d feel weird about complimenting you all the time and my family would start to think I was all alone and tragic and that would be upsetting.
BUT. I have to say hi and thanks to my one and only official follower—RACHEL ROSTAD!!  <3  

Photo Montage of Absurdity (Or, Explosion of Fall Pictures Because Lily Has the Inability to Just Choose a Few) (Part 4)

For those of you who have complained about the (often excessive) length of my blog posts, I have removed the several bazillion fall photos that I would have liked to post scattered among the actual words of my posts and moved them over here. Feel free to skip this post altogether if you are not (1) enraptured by fall color to a possibly unhealthy extent, (2) amused by an unnecessary number of photos taken from my window, or (3) compelled by your love and respect for me to read/view everything that I, in my infinite wisdom, choose to post.

(This truly is a ridiculous number of photos—sorry about that!)