Dear everyone,
As you are all by now very much aware, I am once again late with my blog.
(Oh the shame, the shame!!)
This time I swear I actually have really good reasons. In the famous words of Inigo Montoya:
"Let me 'splain.
No, there is too much. Let me sum up."
1. Yesterday, when I was planning to write my blog, I made the fatal decision of going to see 12 Years a Slave around midday.
Following this, I felt as though I had experienced the emotional equivalent of being walloped over the head. Repeatedly.
I therefore did not have any emotional energy left to work on a long piece of cheerful creative writing (as my blog always ends up being).
To clarify: I knew the movie would be really sad, of course, but I had no idea exactly how brutal a watching experience it would be. I mean, this is Hollywood, yes? So their handling of serious and/or emotional issues is notoriously bad. I expected to see some good acting, some really upsetting parts, and some other upsetting parts that made me too angry to feel bad about. Instead, the entire movie was so heartbreakingly well done that I couldn't use frustrated critical analysis to block out my feelings. For those of you who wish to see it, I heartily recommend it as an incredibly well-crafted movie. But I also heartily recommend bringing along a friend whose hand you can squeeze mercilessly. Or two. Two is good.
2. Today, I am still all emotionally fatigued.
3. Tuesday, I have due a paper and the first draft of another. I also have my usual sundry reading assignments (Foucault, Hamid, Lacan--you know, the usuals) due Monday and Tuesday. I therefore have much that I need to do.
4. Tragically, this means that my schoolwork must come first. (I know, I know, where are my priorities?? For shame.)
5. My blog will be much later than planned or hoped. I might be able to get it to you guys on Wednesday afternoon or Thursday morning, since my big assignments for this week are at the beginning. At worst, I'll have to wait until Saturday to post it.
6. I'm sorry!
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