Friday, January 24, 2014

apparently I have a lot of thoughts

A compilation of thoughts so far that I haven’t included on the official blog:

1.     No one sat next to me on ANY of the planes. Empty middle seat on the first plane and empty aisle seats on the other two. Which was completely wonderful, especially on the middle one, since the worst part about being on planes that long is that you start to cramp. But it was also weird. Do I smell?  Do I just look very strange?? IS AMERICANNESS CATCHING AND THE GERMANS ARE AFRAID OF IT???

2.     The good thing about Italian dinners being so late is that by the time dinner comes around I’m starving and can actually eat all the food I’m given.

3.     I didn’t tell my host mother that I had made pasta by hand before because I didn’t want to be a know-it-all. I mean, I didn’t lie, I just let her assume and didn’t say anything. Which was good because I had a lot of trouble with getting my flour to absorb all the egg and it would have been even more embarrassing if I’d admitted to previous knowledge.
But I also learned some useful things!
a.     It’s not nearly as hard as I thought to mix the egg and flour on the counter without a bowl.
b.     You can leave your dough with a lot less flour in it if you just lightly flour each strip of pasta as it goes through the machine. This makes the kneading much easier but retains the texture. It also makes it so that you don’t have to desperately catch each noodle as it comes out of the machine because it’s much less likely to stick to itself and tear and make you cry.
c.      If you use half regular flour, half durum wheat flour, apparently it helps your pasta have more “bite.” Which means it will stay more al dente. 

4.     My bed is very uncomfortable. And by that I mean that it’s actually a perfectly nice bed except for that it’s very squishy and makes my back hurt. 

5.     One of the instructors for the drawing class looks like a young, modern, British, hipster Van Gogh. He’s adorable. This is definitely not why I chose to switch to this class.

6.     Actually though, ALL of the professors are adorable. And very earnest. He’s just the most adorable.

7.     THERE ARE BELLS THAT RING THE HOUR (and also sometimes the ten after? and the twelve after?? this does not seem to be a very accurate clock) THIS IS SO COOL AND EUROPEAN DO YOU KNOW HOW PICTURESQUE I FEEL RIGHT NOW??

8.     I definitely did not need to bring a Minnesota weight coat. It is lovely here and definitely not that cold.

9.     You have all made me SO PARANOID about pickpockets, let me tell you. But, the plus of having a long coat is that I can just put my tiny purse inside of it and then not stress at all. Also, that thing Steve told me about gipsy pickpockets in Romania throwing their babies at you apparently used to happen in Florence, too. But it doesn’t anymore. 

10. My roommate has apparently gone to McDonalds about five times in the three weeks she’s been here. THIS IS AN ATROCITY. My host family agrees.

11. I stood in front of those Baptistery doors for SO LONG geeking out over them. The perspective and the depth and the detail—they’re incredible. 

12. By the time I got to Florence I was already done reading the copy of Daddy-Long-Legs I had downloaded onto my computer to read while I was here. And I finished Dear Enemy today. Oops? (Also, though, they sadly didn’t have any of the pictures, which rather degraded from the experience. Apparently when I write letters I should always include doodles. THIS IS A GREAT IDEA I HAVE JUST VOICED (written) AND I DIDN’T EVEN REALIZE IT UNTIL I HAD HALFWAY-FINISHED TYPING IT.

13. This apartment really is the most perfect apartment. I covet it. I covet it SO MUCH.

14. I miss you all a great deal. Not entirely specific people yet, even, since I’ve only been gone for a few days, but just the fact of being able to be wholly myself around people. I’m seeing so much and thinking so much and I just want to TALK to people about it. But not necessarily new people. The old people who I love. I am making friends, it just feels slow. And there’s already so much that I’m excited about. (Hence this rather long accessory blog post.)
15. There is apparently an Italian game show that has an entire category where the host says a word and the contestant has to say the correct plural form. THIS IS APPARENTLY NOT AN EASY CATEGORY. This is both encouraging (because native speakers are failing) and INCREDIBLY DISCOURAGING (because I’m doomed).
16. On the plane from Dusseldorf I was so tired and it was so loud and I couldn’t lean against the headrest or the side of the plane or even the tray table because it was shaking like crazy and I almost started crying. It felt so horrible in that moment. But then I glanced out the window and the Alps were there and they were utterly glorious and that cheered me up enough that I could restore some of my equanimity.
17. I did not consciously know how to spell equanimity until this minute.
18. Even with two seats to myself I only managed to sleep for about two hours on my international flight. I mostly spent my time watching Silver Linings Playbook (listed as Silver Linings Playback in the catalog), which was surprisingly good. Luckily, I’m not really feeling jetlagged anymore. Exhausted? Yes. But not really out-of-synch with the time zone here.
19. I just had a nut biscotto for dessert and it was quite tasty. I’m very proud of myself. I WILL LEARN TO LIKE NUTS YET.
20. Parents, you have trained me too well! Apparently it’s polite in Italy (as in France) to keep your left hand on the table while you eat, but as soon as I stop paying attention to it it drifts back down to my lap. Probably by the end of the Florence time I’ll have learned it and then I’ll have to unlearn it all over again.
21. THIS IS WHERE I AM! The (A) is my homestay and the purple line shows my route from the apartment to the Linguaviva building where my classes are hosted. Where the line goes all light and dotted is where I go underground—that intersection is so insane that there’s a whole underground network to get you to each of its four corners. There’s even a whole little mall down there—not unlike the Paris subways, except without a train. There is a violinist who plays for change down there and I suspect I will at some point b giving him money. He’s wonderful.

22. Today I wore my sixteenth birthday dress and my new cream sweater with the chiffon sleeves and my little tan boots and red lipstick and a silver headband and my black tights with white spots and my snazzy coat (the shell of my Minnesotan coat—without the down lining) and I felt so cute and European and awesome.
23. Tomorrow we’re going to leave for Sienna at 8:45. I’m very excited to see it again—I barely remember it.
24. This is probably a sufficient (excessive) number of posts for a single “accessory” blog, so I’m going to stop now.
25. Much love!
26. Ciao!

We're moving!

Hello all!

Apologies for never writing about the end of the semester! I always find it really hard to write during that last bit—first it’s finals and I’m too busy, then it’s break and I’m burnt out (or Christmas, which is even more time consuming), and then it feels too late to even bother.

But now I can give you a brief summary of those last two weeks! I went to see Frozen (wonderful) and The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug (disappointing) with friends, spent an insane number of hours working on final papers and creative writing editing, and nearly froze to death in the insanely cold temperatures. Then I packed up everything at Mac and went home to the lovely Christmas madness that is my family in late December.

All in all a pretty marvelous period of time, if a bit exhausting! I wrote some papers I’m quite proud of, managed to get on the Dean’s List for a semester I struggled with more than most, and had a great and chaotic Christmas. Huzzah!

For January, I got to visit Clara in Davis and my friend Amy in Torrance and then spent LOTS OF TIME packing for my insane and fantastic study abroad adventure. And now I’m sitting on the first of my planes on my way to Florence (by way of Miami and then Dusseldorf, but whatever).

Anyway, this blog is mostly a note to tell you all that the blogging set-up is going to be a bit different this semester! I signed up to do blogging for my study abroad program, which will be happening over at a wordpress blog called Lily Adventuring. I’ll be (hopefully) posting on that blog once a week, day undecided as of yet (although probably either Saturday or Monday). That blog will be a little less personal—since it’s for a wider audience I won’t want to share quite as much. On this blog, probably either weekly or every other week, I’m going to post accessory blog posts—ones that assume that you’ve read whatever is on lilyadventuring and are hoping for further information. This may end up just being a few things—geeking out about papers, complaining, and yet more photographs.

Anyway, you should feel free to stop following thestrawberryimposter and switch over to lilyadventuring. Or, if you really feel like getting access to ALL the thoughts that I have, you can follow both. It’s up to you!

Love you all and thank you for sticking with my blog this far!