Thursday, September 22, 2011

the strawberry imposter has a new face!

As you can all see—I’ve changed my blog design!! It was incredibly fun to do (except for when I changed everything and then the interface made it impossible to figure out how to save it and everything got deleted, but I fixed it!) and terribly distracting from my chemistry and French homework! I had to figure out the whole blogspot system, which is sillier than one might expect, and I got to draw small pictures. Hooray! I hope you all like the change, but if you have any comments or suggestions, just e-mail me or comment on the blog (in general, this is an excellent idea! I love feedback, particularly on the blog (thanks Daddy!), but in e-mail is wonderful too).

Today was a pretty excellent day. I got to sleep in late (until 9:30, which feels late here!) and lounge around my room for a while. During this time, I finished watching WALL•E, which I had been inspired to re-watch (along with Ratatouille) because of the lovely Pixar stamps my father has been sending to me. Goodness me, I love Pixar. They make such charming movies (although Up obviously remains the best). Then I had lunch with my roommate, where she said this:
"I don't know why anyone wouldn't want to eat vegetables! They're so colorful!
That's how we should convince children to eat their vegetables—‘they'll make your plate pretty!’”
which made me extremely happy and where we decided that too much of our amazing language is neglected in everyday speech and writing, so we’re going to fight a losing battle here and add to our vocabularies. Each week, we’re going to pick one archaic word, write it on our whiteboard, and then use it as often as possible that week (and after, of course!). This week’s word is cosmogyral:
our whiteboard, beautifully decorated with the word of the week
(By the way, I just discovered today that, if you click on any of the pictures in my blog, they will become much larger! Unfortunately, they will also navigate you away from the blog, so be prepared to open the picture in a new tab/window or to press “back.” Now you can see my pictures in all of their large glory!)

Even more excitingly,  at lunch I discovered (once again) that my college is adorable, and knows how to celebrate the important holidays! Today was apparently “National Ice Cream Cone Day,” so my college duly ordered much ice cream and many cones and set up an entire station with toppings available. The toppings were perhaps my favorite part, because they had ground nuts (eww!), fall leaf-shaped sprinkles, and a mix of blue and orange (Mac colors) sprinkles. So cute!
my delicious Mac strawberry ice cream cone.

After lunch, I went to my first real day of lab (last week was the official first day, but all we did was an incredibly—and I mean incredibly; remember those “how to make a peanut butter sandwich” projects they have fifth graders do?—detailed Excel lab. “1. Grab a comfy seat at one of the Chemistry Computer lab’s Mac computers…”) with my excellent lab partner, Keo. Then we acquired another excellent lab partner—Rachel—and began our lab. The lab project was to develop a system for separating toxic ions out of nitrate solutions so that they could be disposed of properly and then to test it on an unknown. We did so successfully and were able to leave lab extra early, even with all of the administrative things that must happen on the first day of lab, like getting goggles and checking out a lab drawer. “A lab drawer‽” you ask. Indeed! We had to “check in” to a lab drawer in the same way we have to check in to our dorm rooms at the beginning of the year—fill out a form saying that we have everything and it’s in good shape and then sign it, so that if we break anything, they can charge us at the end of the year. This fancy drawer has all of the lab equipment we’ll be using—beaker and test tubes and Erlenmeyer flasks and more!—so it also locks. And I am now the official Keeper of the Keys! I feel like I should get one of those giant key rings and then carry it around with me so that I look cool.

After lab, Keo and I hung out in her room with her roommate, Emma, where we had tea—delicious cheese from the nearby cheese store that Keo deigned to share with me(!) and crackers and Milanos that I brought to make it a party. It was all very exciting, and after tea we just hung out in the room, avoiding our insistent homework demands. Actually, Emma was working, but I was watching Keo try on scarves and decide whether she looked “chic Jewish” or “orthodox Jewish.”

Then I sadly returned to my room to work, where I successfully avoided work until dinner. And then after dinner. Although I did go on a scavenger hunt for a video for my French class! It was not an intentional scavenger hunt, you understand. I had previously looked up the movie in the library catalog, and was told that it was located in “Media Reserves.” So, this evening, I walked into the library and went up to the desk that said “RESERVES” above it, where I was told that no such movie existed. Baffled, I insisted that it did, and it eventually came out that there is something else called Media Reserves that lives halfway across campus from the library. So I trekked there (uphill both ways and in the snow) and up to the third floor, only to discover that they lock the third floor (on the side closest to EVERYTHING ELSE ON CAMPUS) at 4:30 and only leave the other side open later. So I walked back down and around the building over to the stairs that actually worked, walked through the entire third floor, and…still couldn’t find this elusive media reserves!! So, eventually, I asked someone, who told me that media reserves are actually on the fourth floor, so I walked back across the building, climbed the stairs, and FINALLY reached my destination! Phew! After which I walked back to my room, continued to mess around with my blog instead of doing my homework, and then wrote this. It is now rather late, and I must get some homework done if I would like to sleep at all tonight.

À bientôt

P.S. I completely love having a whiteboard on our door. This is yesterday's whiteboard (sorry the picture is so dark):

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

blustery, gustery days (like the kind Winnie the Pooh sings about)

the campus at dusk on another evening

Before I start, I want to set the stage, so to speak. Right now, I’m outside on the quad by my dorm, sitting on my (thankfully huge and dark-colored, therefore resistant to stains) blue Ikea towel, leaning against a huge tree (at least as many stories tall as my dorm is) with many heart-shaped leaves and letting the evening wind whisk over me. My friends who walk past keep asking me what I’m doing out here (it is admittedly rather brisk, and my fingers do not appreciate the lack of gloves), but it’s just such a lovely evening. The trees are all showing the pale underside of their leaves, and the tall prairie grasses planted around one of the buildings are bent nearly in half. Their movement in the wind really is like that of the ocean, just like all the books said. Across the street, you can see just one tree that has already turned, and it’s all orangey-glowy against the faded twilight colors. (Brief note: my incredibly sweet roommate just insisted on making and bringing down tea for me—aren’t I lucky??) And up above, past the tossing leaves and their monumental rushing sound, the clouds are moving so quickly that you can register their movement out of the corner of your eye—all grey and golden against the pale, pale blue.
Basically, it’s a gorgeous evening, the kind you want to share with the world, or at least with those you love best.
That one tree I mentioned, photographed at a different moment.

It turns out that I’m in love with fall. It really is fall now (I officially put away my fan a couple of days ago, thank goodness—my desk has suddenly expanded). I love the feeling of it, with all its gusty melancholy, and the trees that are slowly igniting. And the rain!! You all know how much I love rain (can I help it, being from Arizona, where the rain is both rarer (and more appreciated) and more beautiful than anywhere else?)The other morning I woke up to the sound of rain pattering outside my window, and convinced myself that I was dreaming. But I wasn’t, and I got to take the bus to the art museum in the rain, which was just about perfect (what better weather than rain for hanging out in an art museum?) Autumn is the perfect weather to be thinking and writing and dreaming in, although perhaps not always the perfect weather to be going to school in. It makes me want to run away to the river and write fantasy novels, or children’s books, not learn the International Phonetic Alphabet. I think this is the way the moors are supposed to feel. (I now have steamy mint tea to keep me company in the chilly dusk. Could this evening get better?)
the first fallen leaves of fall

What the moors don’t have, though, is excellent fashion. Not to be entirely ridiculous and shallow, but I love fall fashion! In particular, the hats (and the scarves). If you wear hats in the California fall (even when it’s cold enough!) you just look a little bit silly, like you’re trying too hard to be in New York City. But here, hats are sensible and adorable. The other day, I woke up cranky and tired (I’m not entirely sure why the cranky part, but I definitely know the reason for the exhaustion). I went to my first class, then returned to my room between classes, where I suddenly remembered about my hats. I pulled one on and suddenly my day was about four times better, just for the mere fact that I was wearing a hat and it was fall and I was so glad to be alive and not in high school. Then I did a happy dance around my room.

Speaking of happy dances, I want to address something important. I was talking to my lovely parents on the phone the other day, and my mom said something to the effect of, “It’s not that I’m not loving your blogs, but you don’t have to pretend to be happy all the time on them, you know.” Which was an incredibly sweet thing to say, but actually unnecessary. I really am this happy! Really truly! I mean, of course I have my bad evenings and my homesick moments, and my I-have-now-coughed-seven-times-during-this-lecture-and-I-am-so-incredibly-done-with-being-sick-and-at-college times, but most of the time I’m truly having an amazing time here. College is better than high school in every way imaginable—the people and the classes and the professors—and I am so glad to be experiencing it, even when I miss my home and family and friends. It’s weird, because college is different from anything else—it’s a place where we get to pretend to  be adults (live on our own, manage our time, maybe have a job), but also get to still wear Halloween costumes and draw chalk pictures on the sidewalk and watch Disney movies on Friday evenings. It’s the perfect place to experience what being a teenager is about—the confused feeling of being both an adult and a child at the same moment. Of course there are people here who just want to drink and/or get laid, but the lucky thing is that they seem to be a minority. Most of us have chosen this tiny college with a terrible sports program and a love of community service and hard work that’s situated in the middle of freaking Minnesota (of all places) because we want to be surrounded by people like us—nerdy, passionate, and occasionally socially awkward kids who love to learn, at least about something.

Anyway, I’m extremely happy here, despite my original misgivings about this place (and this state!!). The people here really are so much nicer and more thoughtful as a group than I could have hoped for. On Friday evening, my theater class went to a play—a strange, contemporary play called Neighbors—at this little local theater. In the middle of the show, one of the actors collapsed…and didn’t get back up. The paramedics were called, the audience was rushed out of the theater, and no news was heard for the entire evening. It was a terrible experience. What made me feel better, though, even in the midst of my grief and fear and incredible longing for that man to be okay (I must have thought, “Please be okay, please be okay, please be okay”  hundreds of times), was that my classmates were just as shaken and concerned and horrified. Saying that makes me sound so cruel, but I don’t mean that I was happy to see their sadness—I wanted to hold and comfort each of them, even while needing comforting myself—but I was so glad to be surrounded by people who felt so much empathy. In the last many, many years of schooling, hard situations have been made so much worse by the way my classmates have handled them, with jokes and inconsequentialities and so much irreverence. But my classmates here were all desperately worried, and I think every one of us cried, boys included. There was no attempt at brushing off the situation, or joking about the play, or even at leaving before everyone felt ready to go. We stood all in a circle, shoulders touching and arms around each other, and waited half-an-hour at least for news before deciding—as a group—that it was time to leave. And I appreciated so unfathomably much that they all cared with such depth. It’s something I’ve never experienced outside the bounds of my family before. (For those of you now worrying about the man, which I know many of you are, we found out the next morning that he’d had a cardiac arrest, but the paramedics saved him. My last news was that he was in the hospital, but stabilized—heart beating and lungs breathing without assistance. It seems that he’ll be okay in the long run.)

On a much more cheerful note, did you know that hedgehogs can be owned as pets??? This is apparently a THING! On the sign in my dorm that explains the dorm rules and regulations, there is a blurb about what pets are allowed. It says that small pets are allowed (if registered), including fish, hamsters, gerbils, and HEDGEHOGS!! Do you know how much I want a hedgehog now??

(I am now inside, wearing my mucklucks (whose only flaw is that I can never tell which is the left one and which is the right one until I put them [and sometimes even then] [and also that I always fall over when I try to put them on]), covered by a blanket, and waiting for my tea to steep because it got REALLY COLD outside once the sun set!)

And speaking of small mammals, I saw the most ridiculous thing the other evening. I’ve seen grey-brown squirrels and brown-grey squirrels, and been surprised and fascinated by black squirrels, but Saturday was the first time that I’ve ever seen a white squirrel. A white squirrel!! It looked like an escaped lab rat that had been out in the world long enough to visit a barber (as Aunt Meg always says, squirrels are just rats with good haircuts).
doesn’t it look WEIRD
(That, my friends, is an interrobang, which should be a thing but inconceivably isn’t (yet). I was told about it by the wonderful John Green (of the vlogbrothers and Nerdfighteria) and am now extremely enamored of it. So now I’m going to use it all the time in the hopes that my hard work will bring it to the fore-front of American literature. The interrobang is a brilliant combination, as you can see, of the exclamation point (apparently refered to as the “bang” by journalists of yore) and the question mark, and is used to replace the common “?!” for punctuation. Don’t you think it should exist‽)

Speaking now of John Green, I had a disheartening and encouraging experience the other day. I saw a video of the young (college-age) John Green the other day and, to tell the truth, he was a bit of a prat (don’t you just love British insults?). This was a great disappointment because John Green is a hero of mine and also my one true love (except he’s unfortunately much older than I am and happily married, but still), unless his brother Hank is (who is also too old and married. but less too old!) and of course one never likes to know that any of their heroes where kind of obnoxious when they were twenty (or even that they have any flaws at all—I mean, why can’t they just be perfect, damn it‽). But it was also encouraging, because now he is an incredibly thoughtful and intelligent and kind and excited-about-life kind of person and this gives me hope. See, college and (most especially) high school boys are a bit of a disappointment as a rule. They’re not passionate about life, not interested in having an intelligent girlfriend or girl friend, and almost never willing to admit to being kind and sensitive (relatives and friends excluded, of course!! you guys are all awesome!). But, if John Green used to be a little bit like this, then maybe there is hope for all of those annoying, college-age males out there! Maybe they will all grow up to be kind and thoughtful and interesting and interested adults. Maybe! I have hope!!

[I have become resigned to the fact that this will be an extremely scatterbrained blog. The thing is, I generally decide what to write on here by scrawling down notes about things that have happened that have excited me or interested me or made me laugh on a sticky note (or two. or three.). And then later I try to compile it into a series of stories that actually make sense together, while adding all sorts of things that I think of as I write. So I’m sorry guys, but that’s just kind of the way this is going to work. Hopefully it’s still giving you a good idea of my time here, despite its rather mixed up format. On to the next item on my tiny green sticky!]

Saturday was Constitution Day, which inexplicably passed without comment (except from my fantastic father, who is the only reason I actually know this). This is kind of one of my pet peeves.
What I’ve never understood is why we celebrate the 4th of July—the day we adopted the Declaration of Independence (not the day it was signed, the day we won the war and actually gained independence, or the day that we formed a government that would actually work)—with great lavishness and not the day that the Constitution was ratified at all. I know that the decision to declare independence was a difficultly-reached and monumental one (this is why I love the movie 1776, despite its terrible filming and cheesy directing decisions [now that is a movie that should be re-made, while Hollywood is busy not coming up with any original ideas!]), but I can’t believe that that decision was more important than the ones that led up to the creation of the Constitution, a document that was both unique and an incredible framework for the creation of a nation. Of course it has its flaws (as the authors knew it would—why do you think a plan for the creation and adoption of amendments was made (and used!) so early?), but it is also a set of amazing and revolutionary (both in the literal and figurative senses) ideas that has done a lot of good for this country, even as we’ve changed and modified it (This is one of the reasons that Time’s sensationalist cover of the constitution being shredded annoyed me so much; what people who claim that the Constitution is no longer applicable and important seem to forget is that so many of the changes that they point to have come into being because of the larger framework of ideals that is set out in the Constitution—many of our most unjust (why is it unjust when it’s also injustice?? this is a silly language) laws have been overthrown because of the messages inherent in the Constitution, even when those changes have had to become amendments in order to clarify their legality.). So why don’t we celebrate—or acknowledge it—at all? I don’t think that I’ll ever understand this, but at least I can celebrate it on its own. Thank you to those incredible people who wrote the Constitution, for creating a document that’s lasted nearly 250 years, while remaining flexible to change and improvement. Ahem. (I’m done now—sorry for the rant, guys.)

The other day, while my studious roommate was working on homework (and I should have been working on homework, as I should be now…), I started working on my P4A project. You all may have noticed me mention this and wondered what it is, so now I’m going to explain. P4A stands for “Project for Awesome,” which is a thing the vlogbrothers created (and now lead every year), where Nerdfighters around the world create videos highlighting their favorite charity (hopefully in action, but not is okay too) and then everyone watches and rates and comments on the videos made for this project, in the hope that these videos will all “take over the front page of YouTube” for one day. This year I’m planning on making a video, although not exactly for a specific charity. I’m making a video on blood donation, which is a highly important and useful, but under-appreciated and -publicized charitable action.  And the plan is that this video will be in stop-motion animation. So, the other day, I watched a video on YouTube about how to make stop-motion videos and then began to experiment. I used my lovely tripod and remote and set up a little studio on my desk. It actually worked surprisingly well (I’d drawn a little man with detachable arms, which I was using), although there are still some kinks that need to be worked out. I’m looking forward to continuing this project (assuming I ever have any free time again).

The one project I have had time to work on is my on-going poetry-memorizing-project. This whole thing started when the evil Mr. Glavin had us memorize Ulysses (by Tennyson) for extra credit (this is the only good thing he did all year. ONLY! GOOD! THING!). I really loved the feeling of having that poem rattling around in my head when I wasn’t thinking about other things, so I started memorizing other poems, and eventually Clara and I decided to memorize poems together (we decide on a poem together and then both work on it, separately and apart). I currently have six poems jumbled together in my head, the most recent of which is not an acknowledged piece of poetry. It was written by Natalie Babbitt (an incredible children’s novelist), who is the author of The Search for Delicious (possibly my favorite book of all time, partly just for its craftsmanship). It’s intended to be a fragment of an old ballad in the story, but it reads and feels like a poem, so Clara and I decided to memorize it next. For those of you who don’t own The Search for Delicious, here it is (and for those of you who do and would like to read it in a real book, it’s on page sixty):
Two moons wander where the water curls,
Two white moons in a pair of skies—
Two moons yonder like a pair of pearls
There by the lake where the water swirls,
There where she sits with her wet green eyes,
There where she weeps and droops and sighs,
Poor Ardis where the water curls.

White starts shimmer in the mermaid’s tears,
Wet white stars on the sky’s dark sleeve—
White stars glimmer through the long, dark years,
Call down the words that she never hears,
Call to her there where the waters heave,
Call to her, “Ardis! Why do you grieve?”
No answer but the mermaid’s tears.
(I would like to brag and comment that I typed that up out of memory [and then checked it, just in case {there were no mistakes! even in punctuation!}]) Isn’t that a lovely poem? It sounds especially good said aloud, but I also love to have it meandering through my thoughts. My next project is Orpheus. Eurydice. Hermes., which is by the amazing Rilke. I’m already more than half-way through it, which is extremely exciting! That is one freaking long poem… Also! I wrote a brief quotation from the Babbitt poem (which I am henceforth going to just call Ardis) on the whiteboard on my dorm room door, and this is what it now looks like. My roommate is so awesome.

[The wind is gusting past my window right now the way it does past Mary’s in The Secret Garden. I’m sure it’s trying to tell me something important.]

One of the funny things about being here in Minnesota is finding out the things I’d always made assumptions about because of my background. A couple of days ago, I saw a poster explaining why Macalester is going bottled-water-free this year (although I just discovered, to my horror, that The Grille (a café attached to and run by the cafeteria, but open at different hours) sells bottled water…), and one of the things it said is that tap water is 4000 times cheaper (let that sink in for a moment) than bottled water. This stunned me, and perhaps it is one of those statistics that seem more shocking than they are (cheaper in what way—because of the production and environmental costs, or literally cheaper by the ounce?), but what I immediately thought—and couldn’t help but say aloud—was that this was a terribly worrying idea. When I said this out loud (admittedly a tad incoherently), my lunch companion gave me a puzzled look, so I tried to explain myself. I said that it was bad if the water was too cheap and she—completely misunderstanding me—said that she guessed that poor people could afford it better that way. So then I tried to explain that if it was too cheap people would use too much of it, and the idea of using too much water (at least to the extent that it has to be price-controlled) seemed to go right over her head. And then it struck me. This isn’t really an issue here. I mean, of course the general don’t-waste-water-‘cause-it’s-bad-if-you-do mentality is still here, but it doesn’t have the same urgency that I’m used to. And of course it makes sense—there’s a freaking huge river that runs past here, the famous ten thousand lakes, and not-infrequent rain, so drought isn’t really a problem. But Arizona cities, of course, aren’t really sustainable in the long run, and that’s because of a lack of water. And this issue is not only a big deal for me because I lived in Arizona for seventeen years, but because the places I visit the most (San Diego and Hillsdale) are also water-conscious. San Diego is not infrequently experiencing a drought (which is still something I have trouble understanding, even though I know why, because there’s a freaking massive bunch of water nearby!) and in Hillsdale, the water could (and has and will) run out at any moment, not because of a general lack, but because the well might run dry. So, to me, this is a huge issue—the kind you think about and worry about in your daily life (make sure the faucet isn’t dripping at all, make sure the toilet stopped running, don’t leave the shower on while you shave, stop the laundry machine when it explodes, etc., etc. and so forth)—but to the people I now interact with, it’s not such a big deal. I find that so interesting, and I’m not entirely sure why, although it might just be because it’s fun to contemplate the less-obvious (than religion and political opinion and view of cultures and…) differences location and upbringing can bring.

You may have been interested and/or startled when I mentioned the laundry machine exploding. Never fear, no one was harmed in the making of that joke, not even my beloved clothings. My best guess is that I loaded one of the machines a bit too full (not that they were very full at all!), because at one point it (and another machine) began spewing water out of their backs. The room was well on its way to becoming flooded (thank goodness for the drainage grate, though!) when I finally noticed, but I dashed over to the machines and opened them, thereby stopping the flow. After all of the water had disappeared down the grate, I tried again, but the water started again, so eventually I had to let one load finish while the other waited (with all my poor shirts floating in a big pool of water and thereby doubling my washing time). It was very irritating. This may be a sign that I shouldn’t wait to do my laundry for so long next time. It’s lucky I was there at all, though!!

You may now be wondering what on earth I was doing while waiting for my laundry to finish (besides saving the basement of my building from any need to build an arc), so I shall now tell you. I was feeling a tad melancholy and low, so I decided to watch the new Jane Eyre (which I've been wanting to see for a while) while supervising my laundry. It was excellent. I admittedly haven’t read Jane Eyre for a while (sophomore year? I think?), but I didn’t much like it when I did, nor did I really understand why it was considered to be such a wonderful love story. But this movie, which I enjoyed a great deal more than the book, made it seem incredibly romantic (despite the many strangenesses of Mr. Rochester and his situation). Mia Wasikowska, who played Jane, played the role perfectly, with the exact combination of plainness and beauty, common sense and magic, submissiveness and wry honesty. In the book, it seems extremely odd that Rochester would call her an imp or fairy, or a fantastical bird trapped in an ordinary cage, but Wasikowska seemed to be exactly that—this magical, sparkling creature inside a plain and subdued person. And the way she responded to Mr. Rochester and his various strange comments and questions was perfect—she seemed both to be his equal, and mock him a little, but also to be a good subordinate, not subversive at all. Sometimes there would be a sparkle in her eyes from some comment subtly at Rochester’s expense, but, when he remained silent, her face would close down again, and she would almost seem concerned that she had stepped over the line. She seemed to be incredibly his equal (and at times his better), and such a wonderfully deep character, all behind this plain, quiet façade. I’m rambling a bit, but she was incredible—and so subtle. And all of the filming was well done too, in dark tones and candlelight, with an appropriately unpleasant house, less like the unrealistic fairytale houses of usual period movies. The house looked cold and unwelcoming (and drafty and without amenities) as it should, and the lighting was shadowy and wavering, as would be true in a house of that era. I only had two problems with the film, both having to do with fire. The first was the scene where Rochester almost dies in the fire set by his wife, and this was odd because it was played far too calmly. There was no sense of impending doom as she walked through the house—no smoke or odd flickering light—, it seemed oddly invasive (and inappropriate for those times—a single woman, and only wearing a dressing gown!) when she first opened the door to Rochester’s room, and there was no sense of his imminent death when she first began to wake him. There was no urgency; even the music was calm and unhurried. I thought this was an odd decision, although it may have been intended to convey the dreamlike quality of the situation for Jane. My only other problem was a scene where Rochester starts a fire in one of the fireplaces. There is a pile of logs, with some small branches and twigs on top, and to these Rochester adds a single, lit match. And then (in seconds!!!) he has a lovely, crackling fire. And I am here to tell you (and Leslie could too!) that this is not what happens in this situation. No, you need maybe fifteen matches, and even then, the fire will probably burn itself out within several minutes. Harrumph. They probably used lighter fluid, which definitely didn’t exist at the time.

Today, I just had French lab, which is nice. I don’t think I did very well in class (I was feeling extra sick, and so congested that I could barely speak, and we had to do mini-presentations), but I really enjoyed it anyway, particularly because of what we did at the end of class. My lab instructor is a Parisienne from Algeria, so French is her native language (or at least one of them), and she’s still a little bit in the process of learning English (at least, so she claims—her English is truly excellent). Today I accidentally puzzled her when I asked her how one would say “displayed” in French (she’d never heard the word), but that (and her earlier appreciation of how one of my classmates pronounced Al Jazeera) made her decide to start a new thing. She decided to have a word of the day—a word in English for her and words in French for us—that was chosen because we like the way it’s pronounced in our non-native language. Her word today was “canoe”, which she absolutely loves to say in English. My word was “papillion,” which has been a favorite since the Professor (in The Last of the Really Great Whangdoodles) chose it for his favorite word. It just has such a lovely sound (and image and memory) associated with it.

I just want to end (this incredibly long post) with something one of my friends posted on Facebook. I’m stealing it from her, so I don’t know who said it first, but it’s a lovely thought: “Statistically, the probability of any one of us being here is so small that the mere fact of our existence should keep us all in a state of contented dazzlement.”

I love you all.
Don't forget to be contentedly dazzled. (Also awesome.)

Monday, September 19, 2011

dorm room pictures!

 the closet area

my bed and bookshelf and wall decorations!


my lamp looking really cool with a scarf draped over it (don't worry, all of you guys who are thinking FIRE HAZARD!!! FIRE HAZARD!! I've checked this lamp repeatedly, including sometimes after hours of being on, and it has never been more than slightly warm to the touch. so we're fine!)

the whole effect of my decorations (with bonus picture of me! and my giant squid of anger shirt!)

my roommate's side of the room

our sink area and windows (notice the very-difficult-to-see sun catchers in the window, which make rainbows in our room)


the aforementioned rainbows

I will post something actual soon (you know, with, like, words?), but I thought pictures were a good start (especially seeing as how I just figured out how to upload them)!

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

tea and classes--with "Only at Mac" and Hamlet included!

So first off…it’s suddenly incredibly cold here. Walking back from the library this evening (admittedly at 10:00, but still), it felt the way it feels when you walk back to your hotel in the Grand Canyon winter at night, with the hard-packed snow around you and the smell of ice in the air.

Let me translate: early fall in Minnesota feels like the dead of winter in Flagstaff. What?! 

I’m completely doomed.

Since it’s been crazy cold all of the time lately (and I have a cold, ergo a sore throat), I’ve been drinking gallons of tea. This has the dual effect of making my tea supplies begin to run low ALREADY and making me notice various things. First of all, my thermos is incredibly good at its job. It can hold the heat in so well that my tea will still steam two hours after I seal it into my thermos. Unfortunately, this means that if I make tea and wait two hours to drink it, it will still steam up my glasses as I try to take a sip. *sigh* I’m beginning to understand why everyone hates glasses in cold weather so much! The second (and more exciting) thing comes partly because the inside of my thermos is a gorgeous shiny silver, which means that it holds and reflects light in a really interesting way. This means that I can see the colors of my teas better than almost anywhere else (except a glass teapot with a candle underneath, which I don’t currently have access to), especially in the dim lighting of my art history class. So sometimes I beguile away a couple of minutes staring into the depths of my glowing red Earl Grey (did you know that Earl Grey is incredibly red when brewed?? Neither did I! But it’s gorgeous!) while my teacher talks about ziggurats, or my golden mint tea while she discusses the death pits at Ur. It’s very therapeutic, although perhaps unnecessarily soporific (I could have sworn that word had a “ph” somewhere…).

College is generally turning out to be pretty awesome overall. It’s unfortunate, to be sure, that our cafeteria is under the impression that overwhelming sweetness = flavorful deliciousness and I do wish that I could occasionally find a spoon. (Also the cafeteria has this bewildering policy of heating the plates so much that they burn your fingers if you hold them too long AND THEN HIDING ALL OF THE TRAYS.) But I love that people have a much more distinguishing sense of style here, and that everyone (although there are conformists among us, of course) isn’t cut out of the same, high-school patterned cloth. We’re all nerds here, and proud of it!!

It also turns out that dorm life is surprisingly…okay (except when I accidentally lock my roommate out of our room). People (at least on my floor) are quiet and courteous, we try to leave our doors open when we’re not doing something interruptable, and we always smile at each other in the hallways and hold open doors. And, although I was initially disappointed not to be on the fifth floor (because I like to be many stories up), it turns out that my calf muscles are completely satisfied with this choice. I tell myself that I can only take the stairs, unless the elevator is ready to leave when I am AND I’m in a hurry or if I have many heavy things. I am going to be SO fit by the end of the year! Also, Mom—I have not yet fallen down (or up) the stairs, and I have gone up more flights of stairs this week than in the entire last year (Although I did roller-coaster-slide off one step onto the next today. It was very exciting.). 

Today I entered the hitherto (a word which I just tried to re-invent as hithertofore) unexplored excitement of the second floor of the library (I’d only been on one and four before), and discovered THE CHILDREN’S SECTION!! I haven’t really had time to explore it yet, but I plan to very soon, and I’m so glad that it exists at all! I shall include pictures when I eventually get around to taking them, not only of this newly discovered room, but of the whole campus.

And now, for the latest episode of Only at Mac:
1. Only at Mac…is the lawn discolored in patches because so many people spend time outdoors studying on it (leaving human- and blanket-shaped pale patches). I am concerned that this is an omen of what is to come—we shall never be able to leave our dorms once winter hits.
2. Only at Mac…is the fourth floor of the only building with single-sex floors (boys on one and two, girls on three through five) nicknamed “The Virgin Isles.” (At times this is an extremely strange place.)
3. Only at Mac…are you assigned a librarian to help you out with research who is based in your field of interest (determined by your first year course). This librarian can be switched once you declare a major (so they’ll even help you with senior thesis stuff!!). And they’re all super nice! Mine is named Ginny, which must be a good sign.
4. Only at Mac…is it rumored that our tuitions actually go to appease The Squirrel King, a terrifyingly dictatorial black squirrel who is distinguished by his red tail and his taste for expensive, high-end nuts. FEAR HIM.

My classes are all going extremely well, especially the French classes. It turns out that, instead of being the very worst, as I had feared, I’m one of the best, and doing extremely well with the speaking! It’s all very exciting. It’s definitely the weirdest French class I’ve ever been in, though; we spend most of class discussing articles that we’ve read and responded to as homework. And for French lab, where we’re supposed to be doing all of the talking, we have to prepare a four-line poem without the letter “e”. I’m pretty sure that this is impossible for one with as small of a vocabulary as I have. 

Chemistry is good, because I love my teacher already, but most of the information we’ve been covering so far has been review. Which is okay for the moment (remember, Lily, it’s just the first week!), but I do hope it gets all new and exciting soon. Today, though she told us the most amazing story: She was telling us about the incredible tininess of atoms, and why it therefore made sense for us to use moles to talk about them. As part of this description, she mentioned that, if you rub your hand across a surface, you pick up thousands of molecules of whatever the surface is made of. Then she paused and said, “I told that to my seven year-old son, and now he likes to rub my wedding ring, because he says he’s picking up thousands of molecules of gold.” Awww!

My theater class is good too, although my professor might be a little bit crazy. At the beginning of class we have to do “warm-ups,” which include jogging around the (extremely small and therefore slightly dizzying at high speeds) classroom and shouting Shakespearean insults into the air. Also, we don’t seem to have any plan in class, just discussion of the plays that we’ve seen and/or are reading. Which is fascinating and stimulating, but also a tad confusing for a class lay-out. I’m really enjoying it, though, because the people in that class really care, and often have interesting things to say. All-in-all, it’s a lot of fun. And who can resist a class that takes you to shows??

Two more random things before I go: Firstly, today I ate turnips for the first time ever (at least in any recognizable form). Mom and Dad: They’re delicious (even as steam-table cafeteria food)! Why didn’t we eat them when I was a kid?? Clara: TURNIPS!! I ate them and thought of you. Also I thought of you because you should try them—they’re surprisingly reminiscent of Brussels’ sprouts. Secondly, it turns out that the whole “Minnesooohhhta” accent thing is….COMPLETELY TRUE. I don’t actually here it that much in the word “Minnesota,” but I can definitely hear the slowing down of the “o” in other words with similar sounds. It’s so amusing!

I’ve gots to pasta now (as my dear friend Leslie would say) and get some much-needed sleep! More posts soon (we hope).

And now…for those interested parties…my review of Hamlet. I’m putting this at the end because I know that some of you won’t be interested, and I’m writing it today because (despite the fact that I’m sick and also fatigued and so this won’t be the best that it could be), if I don’t write it soon, it will never be the best that it could be. So here goes!

First, let me start out by saying that this was a modern representation of Hamlet, and I’m never entirely sure how I feel about that.

Getting into it, though, I felt like they both did a good job with the modernization and changed too much. The things they did right mostly had to do with the feel of the play, and may be the difference between decisions made by the actors and by the director. I was incredibly interested by the way that the characters moved with modern gestures—things that I probably wouldn’t have noticed, except that they were in a performance of Hamlet.  I had never before realized that there was such a huge difference between the traditional movements of the theater and the movements of twenty-first century behavior. It was fascinating to watch, if oddly placed. The delivery was also impressively modern (the pauses and tones were less Shakespearean and much more like a modern performer), which was both interesting to watch as a mirror held up to ourselves (and as a demonstration of the skill of the actors) and also slightly disturbing as part of a play-gone-wrong. I really felt like the emphases were too modern and alien to fit within the context of Hamlet

The sets were also interesting, mostly for their problems. I wasn’t a big fan of most of the sets—they were overly pushy about their message (the artistic director has a problem with government) and strangely off-putting—the opening scene with the guards was set is a museum-style surveillance room. My two favorite sets (also one single set element), though, were interesting because they seemed to me to bring the two clashing pieces of the performance (Shakespeare’s archaic, compelling language and the bizarre modern costumes and actions) together a little. These sets seemed to me to be incredibly referential, both of what Shakespeare probably intended and of previous major productions of Hamlet. The chapel scene, for instance, seemed to me to be designed as a medieval chapel, while still retaining its hospital- or hotel-lobby plainness that made it fit with the modern design of the play (I’m not going to go into more depth on this here because I just wrote a paper about it and am a little frustrated with the whole subject. If you’re interested in reading more of what I thought about the chapel scene, you probably already have a copy of my essay, but if you do not and wish to read it, just e-mail me and I’ll send it to you.). This was also true, for me, in the scene where Hamlet talks to the ghost of his father, which was set (in this silly rendition) in “The Far Reaches of the Sub-Sub Basement of the Guard Tower,” but used carefully placed columns, a fog machine, and a green spotlight for the ghost to bring to mind the more traditional forest setting. The set element that also seemed pleasantly referential was a huge panel of windows that were brought in, but which acted as a wall of mirrors when the lights were right. Perhaps I’m getting overly excited to see a reference from this to the famous Kenneth Branagh film (and mirror scene), but then again, maybe not.

Beyond the sets, though, three things really bothered me about the production:
Firstly, the production seemed to play itself way too much for laughs. The scene with the ghost, for example, included the ghost repeatedly pressing the elevator button (as Hamlet decides whether to go with him or not) as the doors open, time-out, and close. It was pure silliness, and felt out-of-place in the show. Ophelia’s madness scene, too, was played with an eye for laughs—something I thought graduation from high school would rescue me from. That scene is TRAGIC!! IT IS A KEY SCENE IN THE WHOLE SERIES OF TRAGEDIES THAT OCCUR IN THE PLAY!! And I’m not going to get into that right now!

The Ophelia thing also brings up my second problem, which was that Hamlet was portrayed as a shallow, sarcastic teenager, and this messed with the storyline in an incredibly important way. It made it seem that Hamlet was pursing this revenge because of his anger at and hatred of his uncle, not because of his deep and abiding love of his father. Additionally, they completely removed any semblance of actual feelings between Ophelia and Hamlet, so the “Get thee to a nunnery!” scene was barely interesting, and negligently moving. 

Worst of all, though, was the use of technology all through the performance. Hamlet texted not infrequently, Horatio recorded the play-within-a-play on a camcorder (which also messes with the story, because the fleeting triumph and certainty of that moment has to be fleeting), Polonius relayed his messages to Reynaldo over Skype, the pictures Hamlet shows to his mother to teach her the error of her ways are shown on a cell phone, and much of the action in the opening scenes takes place on a large surveillance screen. What bothered me about this was not only that it was unsubtle and boring, but also that it seemed to be trying to turn the world of the play into a movie. Much of the action happened either off-stage or in pre-recorded sessions (I couldn’t tell which, which bothered me, although some of the photographs were certainly pre-shot), neither of which is the way a play is supposed to work. It screws with the point of live performance and simultaneously seems like cheating—that’s not how you work within the confines of a venue! 
Additionally, the focus of these many screens was too much on faces, just as it would be in a movie, which is a different kind of acting and experience than you find (or are SUPPOSED to find) in live theater.

Ohoh, and the “backdrop” to the play-within-a-play was (and this seriously pissed me off) footage of 9-11 and various wars. INTERROBANG! 

Oh, and also there were bunch of other things that made me angry and/or frustrated and/or bothered, but I can’t go into them now or I’ll be here all night.

I want to leave you with something that I enjoyed about the show, so that you don’t think that I hated it! The best thing about the show, probably, was the relationship between Horatio and Hamlet, which was played with a depth and subtlety that I haven’t seen before (of course, I haven’t ever seen a live production before, but still…). Hamlet and Horatio were close like brothers, and it was through his interactions with Horatio that we could see Hamlet’s vulnerability and pain. The two were extremely good together, and by far the most poignant moment of the play, for me, was watching Horatio watch Hamlet die.

Looking this over, it seems pretty clear to me that, although I greatly enjoyed the show, I didn’t like the production. In other words, this does not at all seem to me to be the way to create Hamlet, but I’m really glad that I got to go and get mad and interested.

I’m attaching here (carefully at the end!) a link to the so-called “trailer” for the performance. I must say that I think that the trailer emphasizes the things that I did not like about the play (which of course makes me wonder if I missed things that I would have hated, because if this is what they want to present to the world as representing their show…?). That said, though, you can watch it if you want to and not if you don’t.


Tuesday, September 13, 2011

many adventures, a cold, and fall

As of today, I have been living in this dorm room for a week and three days.

The funny thing is that sometimes I forget that, and think panickedly to myself, “You’re not doing enough!” I stress that I’m staying too much on campus, or not doing enough outside projects (children’s books, or my P4A video), or procrastinating too much on some of the not-for-class things  I need to get done. And then I remember, with a start, that I’ve only been here for a week, and feel much better. In fact, I’ve done a lot in this first week. I’ve gone to the art museum, almost gotten enough sleep, missed only one of the orientation activities, done many homework assignments (including an adventure one), seen a show with my class, started my P4A video, gone to Office Max twice, figured out the printers in the library (which are surprisingly complicated…), had one minor panic attack, read four books for fun, made several friends, Skyped with my parents, gotten sick, gone to Whole Foods, called my sister…you get the point. It’s weird how quickly I’ve gotten to feel that I’ve been in college forever—maybe it’s just that I’ve been waiting to be in college forever. 

Saturday was a bit of a drag. I got up early (for a Saturday) only to discover that the cafeteria doesn’t open until 10:30 on weekends. So I went to get myself breakfast at the coffee shop nearby, and sat and ate my breakfast while reading Stargirl, which I’ve been wanting to read again since I put up a quotation from it on my wall. Ergo, I got distracted, lost track of the time a bit, and went to the bus stop later than I had intended, but still with what should have been enough time to get to the art museum while my professor would be there. She’d told us that she’d be there from eleven to twelve, and the Google (as everyone has started calling it) told me that it would take me forty-five minutes to get there. I rounded to an hour to be safe, but the bus ride took me instead and insane TWO HOURS, meaning that I got to the museum way after my professor had left! By that time, I was all tired and cranky, and the ancient section of the Minneapolis Institute of Art is incredibly tiny and not terribly exciting. So I found some works that were pretty interesting, but by then both didn’t feel like doing the whole assignment (I have two more weekends that I can do it in) and had to leave enough time to get back to campus for my a cappella audition. So I left, got back to campus, spent an hour worrying about and waiting for my audition, auditioned, and then went back to my room and crashed with some food (lunch had been skipped) and an episode of Buffy. It was a depressingly useless day.

Also I’ve been feeling homesick lately. I’m homesick for good food and hugs and my room and cats and some of my favorite restaurants and real, nice showers, and mostly hugs. 

Especially I miss hugs now that I’ve gotten sick. It’s incredibly annoying to be sick right now—the first week of school!!—not only because I don’t feel like I can miss class, but because the teachers wouldn’t believe me if I told them I had to miss class because I was sick. They’d just think it was some sort of freshperson wimpiness (I just used two words that Word is convinced do not exist. Silly Word.) and that I should just get over it and come to class. Which of course I will, although I’m not sure how great I am as a member of the discussion when my voice has gone all deep and weird and I sniff about twice a second (it does not matter how many times I blow my nose—believe me, I’ve tried—I STILL SNIFF!). I’m annoying myself, let alone my classmates and poor roommate (who fled the room about an hour ago for the library—I’m really hoping that it wasn’t because of me and my very-loud-nose-of-doom). In the past two days alone, I’ve gone through almost an entire pack of (delicious, berry-flavored) throat lozenges, and just this afternoon I used up an entire travel pack of tissues. I’ve told myself that’s enough tissues for the first week, so now I’m stuck with the obnoxiously rough paper towels that I steal from the bathroom. 

Yesterday I decided to do something radical—revolutionary, daring, and courageous! (at least in college terms)—and go to bed absurdly early. As in, 9:15. I was feeling all slowed-down and snuffly and tired, so I thought that one night of crazy early bedtime would be good for me, and then tonight I could stay up super late working on homeworks of all kinds. Then, of course, at 9:16—one minute after I had laid my head down to rest—the insanely (insanely because it drives its hearers mad) loud fire alarm went off. After my initial heart attack had subsided slightly, I pulled on some non-pajama shorts and shoes and went down the many flights of stairs in a fire-warden-nightmare-cattle-going-to-the-slaughter-type herd only to discover that the nighttime temperatures had dropped ridiculously and that I was freezing. We stood out there for a couple of minutes, listening to the bellow of the alarm and shivering, before finally being allowed to mount the many flights of stairs back to our rooms. Once again, Murphy wins.

Today was gorgeous—fall has finally come. The evenings are gusty and cool, the mornings brisk and crisp and breezy, and there are now more fall leaves than can be counted in twenty seconds. I’m very much looking forward to fall, although I must say that I wish it would come after I get over this absurd cold.  I went to Whole Foods with several friends today, where I bought clementines (full of vitamin C, and therefore good for warding off colds. also delicious.) and a little chocolate and two peaches and some seaweed snacks and dish soap (this may be what I’m most excited about. oh, college.). It was very energizing and college-like.

Tomorrow (hopefully), I will write all about Hamlet (sorry, Grandmarina! Soon, I promise!) and other adventures, but tonight I must spend all my leftover energy on the on-going debate in my mind: sleep, or theater essay? My rational, I’m-not-going-to-procrastinate-at-ALL-this-year-because-I-am-turning-over-a-new-leaf-(well-at-least-I-shouldn’t-procrastinate-this-early-in-the-semester) part of my brain is saying, “You’re going to be sorry if you don’t start that paper now!” in a voice eerily similar to that of the planners Hermione gives Harry and Ron one year, while my I-am-sick-and-therefore-cranky-and-possibly-classifyable-as-neanderthal-at-the-moment part is simply yelling “SLEEEEEEP. SLEEEEEP NOOOOWWWW!” It’s a problem.

Anyway, goodnight all, including the kitchen sink and moon (depending who I’m talking to), and I promise to write more (and hopefully of a more cheerful nature) at a later date! Also hopefully something with fewer strange, strung-together-with-dashes adjectives.

Love to all!

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

I LOVE COLLEGE! (But not because of the drinking. Or the women. (Not that some of them aren't lovely people!))

Hello!! Today was my first day of classes, and it was “GRRR-RREAT!” as Tony [the excellent frosted flakes] tiger used to say. I think part of the reason I’ve been so giddy with un-ironic excitement all day (there may have been some random dance steps on the trips between classes, and lots of wide smiles) is partly just that I’m only taking subjects I’m interested in for the first time in quite a while (With the possible exception of French. I mean, don’t get me wrong, I’m very interested in knowing French. But learning it? Eh. Less interesting.). Also, I’m surrounded by people that all (or at least mostly all) care about learning, because why else would they go to this teeny-tiny community-service-and-global-citizenship-and-hard-work-based school?

Anyway, all of my classes have been lovely. I got up early this morning and went down to breakfast, where I carefully ate a LOT (even though the dorm food was depressingly bland), because I knew my next meal wouldn’t be coming until after one o’clock. Then I dashed up to my room, grabbed a thermos of tea (thank you so much for my adorable little thermos, Mom!) and went off to Art History. As you can probably see from my rather enthusiastic earlier post, Art History was quite encouragingly awesome for a first day. Our professor’s real focus is archaeology, so she’s sweetly scatter-brained, but clearly very intelligent and knowledgeable.

After that, I had a little break where I worked on course readings, and then I headed off for my “Advanced Expression” French class. J’ai eu peur quand j’ai entré la classe, mais c’était pour rien! Ma prof est très sympathique (en les sens français et américains) et je pourrais comprendre tout qu’elle a dit. (Je connais que ma grammaire française est terrible, mais peut-être je deviendrai plus bon dans cette class!)

Next was Chemistry, which looks very exciting! My professor is very friendly and down-to-earth, but also pretty strict. She’s the kind who doesn’t accept slackerlyness, but if you try in class, you don’t have to be terrified to go to her office hours when you don’t get stuff. Also, one of my new nerdfighter friends is in the class, so we can sit near each other and have a buddy for homework help, which is excellent. Nerdfighters for the win!

After that I had a lovely free gap, where I did some homework and watched some Buffy. On the ASU Barrett facebook page, there’s something called “Only at Barrett…” where people post things that they think are cool and/or unique about the college. Mostly it seems to relate to nerdiness (Can you believe that Microsoft Word didn’t have the word “nerdiness” in their spell-check dictionary?? I actually had to add it!), which is clearly not limited to the ASU honors college! But there really are some pretty crazy things here at Mac, so I’ve decided to start a thing called “Only at Mac…” I have several for you today.
1.Only at Mac…can you witness a group of twenty-somethings having an all-out war with foam swords and shields on the campus lawns.
2.Only at Mac…can your study break in your room be interrupted by the sound of a bagpipe band practicing outside.
3.Only at Mac…are there not two, not three, but four milk machines in the cafeteria. Four!!

My last class was Theater and Performance, where we first “broke-in the room” (which has been newly renovated) by jogging around it in a group several times, then took an hour to go over the syllabus, and finally spent the last hour-and-a-half in an excited and (at times) fascinating discussion of the first three acts of Hamlet. It was very exciting and engaging and stimulating, even when I thought my professor was wrong in her interpretations, because I got to argue with myself in my head about why she was wrong. It was so stimulating and excellent! Also we were fed clementines. Also Hamlet is a great play (Has anyone ever said that before?? I feel like someone said that to me once…) and I can’t wait to see my first live performance of it on Friday night!!


Dear Sir:

We suffered a major set-back today in our war against the freshman fifteen when we discovered the frozen yogurt machine stealthily concealed in the back corner of the cafeteria. We are not giving up hope as of yet, however, and plan to counter with our continued goal of always using the stairs. Please report back with advice on how to oppose this brilliant, strategical move on the part of the enemy.

We remain your faithful soldiers.

Toodles, all!


I just attended my first ever college class (Art of the West, with Vanessa Rousseau--already shaping up to be an excellent course), so I am officially a college student.

Just wanted to share that with you guys.

Especially since it's too early for me to call or text any of you west-coasters and tell you.

*leaps up and skips off to the library (possibly humming a happy tune) to work on course readings*

Monday, September 5, 2011

first days of school and fall

Yesterday evening (the first day sans father and sister), I didn’t feel like facing the cafeteria (I know, I know—it’s probably a bad sign that I couldn’t face it my first day here. But I was also being frugal! I wasn’t feeling very hungry, so why waste a whole meal’s worth of points on a snack? We’re going with that excuse.), so I walked over to Jamba Juice in the gathering dusk (isn’t that a lovely phrase? It’s so nice to think of the dusk gathering.). I got to the shop six minutes before closing, so the store was empty, except for the workers. It was nice to sit in brightly-lit, fruit-scented store and listen to the end-of-the-day chatter of the smoothie baristas. Walking home in the twilight, with the “high travel of clouds” above was also incredibly lovely, especially since someone was practicing their saxophone in their dorm room with the window open. I think that solo sax was meant to be played just before nightfall. It makes such a lovely, lonely evening sound.

Later, I consoled myself with some kettle corn and Buffy the Vampire Slayer, which was made less awesome by David Borenaz’s lack of acting ability. I know he gets better later (he’s pretty good in all two of the Bones episodes I’ve seen), but right now the man is driving me crazy. Slightly concerned and sullen face does not equal pained, suffering, misunderstood love. It just equals sightly concerned and sullen face. Sometimes he’s so expressionless I can’t tell if my internet has frozen or if his face just looks like that.

Much later (My, do we keep late hours here at college! Most “evening” events seem to start at ten o’clock or later), I went to the Comedy Sportz (spelled like that, according to the host, “because the ‘z’ makes it funny”) event, which was, in fact, even more hilarious than I had been lead to believe! For those of you who don’t know, Comedy Sportz is a show where two improv teams face off against each other in different improvisational challenges, usually with audience participation. They’re judged by a referee who also acts as the host. I think my favorite comedy “sport” was a game called Forward/Reverse, where the team acted out a scene, but when the referee yelled “Reverse!” they had to re-do the scene in reverse. And he kept switching them back and forth, so the scene would go: “Oh my god, you broke it!” “No, you broke it!” “Reverse!” “No, you broke it!” “Oh my god, you broke it!” etc. Surprisingly funny. The best part of all of it was that the actors seemed to be having a really fun time with the improv. (Fun fact: when you type “improv” in Word, Spell Check automatically corrects it to “improve”. Every. Single. Time.)

Today, I wasn’t very hungry for breakfast, so I walked over to Breadsmith (the adorable bakery only a block away from my dorm) and got myself a delicious banana chocolate-chip muffin, which I brought back to my dorm and ate with a cup of tea that I made myself with my handy-dandy water heater (See, parents?! It was totally a necessity!).

After that, I went to a clan meeting, where we were shown a multitude of informative (but perhaps not very useful) pamphlets. Then we played an epic game of rock-paper-scissors (during which my Orientation Leader—Salima—had a near-panic attack of joy at seeing my splendiferous, Nerdfightastic giraffe love shirt. ) and went off to little seminar-things. A couple of other Ramsey kids and I went to the seminar on “What to do in the Twin Cities”, which was interesting and helpful. Did you know you can “check out” free museum passes if you get a St. Paul library card?! Me either!!

After a lovely lunch with one of the Ramsey kids from before—Annalise—I went on an epic adventure (involving one bus trip sitting next to a lady who had just met the governor and wanted to tell everyone about it) to Office Max, which unfortunately lives in the sketchy part of St. Paul. After some confusion, however, I managed to purchase my school supplies and leave the store without the one thing I’d been the most excited about buying. *sigh* Oh, well. Next time!

At dinner time, I went with Charmaine and several other girls from my floor (and also one from Turck) to the cafeteria, where we had a lovely time trying to remember each others’ names and discussing class schedules (and I met another nerdfighter!!! TWO NERDFIGHTERS!! IN ONE DAY!!), after which we hurried back to our dorm just in time for the floor meeting! The meeting was surprisingly fun, and we got to sign our floor agreement (not particularly exciting), which included a plan to leave our doors open most of the time, so that we can visit and hang out with each other easily (very exciting!). After that, Charmaine and I and two other girls went on a floor tour, where we stuck our heads in the rooms of all of the girls on our floor, said hi, and introduced ourselves. It was awesome.

At 9:30, we went to the talent show, where we heard a speech piece (dramatic interp), two original songs, a bagpiper, and a person playing the recorder. Extremely well. Also my mystery saxophone player! Afterwards, several girls and I (one of whom was ANOTHER NERDFIGHTER! THREE NERDFIGHTERS IN ONE DAY?! THIS LEVEL OF AWESOME CANNOT BE POSSIBLE!) were feeling all keyed up, and the air smelled like the approach of autumn, and it was cool and lovely and nighttime, so we dashed up the many flights of stairs to our dorms, changed into appropriate fall jackets and sweaters (to celebrate the approach of fall), and five of us from our floor went on a random walk/skip/dash/dance around our part of St. Paul talking about (among other things) the oh-so-deep-and-philosophical topics of North Carolina snakes, the marvelous Daneland (usually known as Denmark), and Paula Dean.

On our way back into our dorm, we saw a group of boys clustered avidly around a television screen in the ground floor common room, watching what appeared to be a National Geographic special on scuba diving. Charmed, delighted, and proud of this clear case of extreme nerdiness at our school, we decided to join them, only to discover (several minutes later, and much to our dismay), that it was NOT a National Geographic special, but instead an episode of Dexter. As none of us had ever seen this rather (in?)famous show, we continued to watch, until we were horrified to see the extremely creepy “hero” of the show torturing one of his victims. As we fled, the boys in the common room were heard to say “Haha, look at them just running away!” I admit to the charge. Upstairs, we fled en masse to the single room of one of our number, where we hastily put this disturbing image out of our minds by watching an episode of How I Met Your Mother, which was handily set in Minnesoohhta. Soothed by the laugh track and Barney’s innuendos, we returned to our rooms sleepy, but satisfied, only to discover that it was already past midnight. Although tempted to sleep in our clothing, we bravely got ready for bed and set our alarm clocks for the ungodly hour of 6:45.

Although all-in-all an excellent day, it’s no wonder that the Dean of Students says that the college’s biggest health concern is sleep deprivation!